Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pro-Ana. Is this beauty?

Is this beauty? Is this really what young girls should aspire to be?

Pro-ana is a problem. It encourages unhealthy diet and weight loss patterns in young women, and most pro-anas are under 22. Pro-anas, "wana-rexics", view anorexia as the coveted disease.

Anorexia to these people is a lifestyle choice, not an infliction as it should be considered. They are proud of there starving and encourage others to starve themselves.

What is worse is that there are also websites for pro-ana juniors. Were children encourage children, and nothing get done about it. There's specific forums for Mother's that are pro-ana. Yes an anorexic woman can look after her child, but can a pro ana woman? Can someone who believes to be "beautiful and delicate" skin and bones is a good thing really be capable of raising a well adjusted and happy child? Or will they merely grow up trying to not only emulate there Mother's skeletal fame, but also being encouraged to do so?

Pro-anas make a mockery of a serious and life threatening illness and I would urge anyone who feels likewise to log on and sign this petition:

Over-sexed and acting dumb

Most people my age in my peer group lost there virginity young, with 14 being average for a girl. That's very young and quite scary considering each generation becomes sexually active younger and younger.

Young children want to look grown up but we seem to have moved away from the cliched image of the little girl with her mother's at hat, bag and high heel. Instead children want to look "sexy". Children want to be like celebrities but they are rarely exposed to intelligent, respectable women and instead emulate the likes of Paris Hilton, a woman famed for a sex tape and acting like a spoilt idiot.

What we are left with is a an alarming percentage of young girl, aged 13 to 15 who think acting stupid and like unpaid prostitutes is the most appropriate way to gain approval. I know first hand that merely having opinions and not hiding my intelligence makes you "pretentious".

This is something we need to act out against. Getting drunk and sleeping around is something people bitch about others doing in there 20s. What hope for us if people are starting to do this at 13? And can we really rely on these idiots to use protection and get checked for STDs?

We need smart role models and these poor, deluded sluts need to learn a reputation can last a lifetime.